William Lavastida

Entrepreneur and Business Owner

William Lavastida

It is an honor and a pleasure to welcome you to this session dedicated to exploring opportunities to strengthen your teams. I understand that many of you face challen- ges in hiring and retaining employees within Canada, as I faced by myself in my different businesses. The competition for local talent is fierce, and it can often be difficult to find committed and loyal workers.

That's why we are here today, to introduce you to an innovative and exciting solution. In Latin America, we have a wealth of talented professionals who are ready to make the leap and join your teams in Canada. These workers are not only excellent at what they do, but they are also known for their loyalty and dedication to their work.

We understand that the idea of hiring foreign employees may seem daunting at first, but we want to assure you that we are here to guide you every step of the way. From identifying suitable candidates to the immigration process, we are committed to making this process as smooth and seamless as possible.

Our goal is to establish a strong and lasting partnership with you, where we can work together to find the best solutions for your staffing needs. We are here to answer any questions you may have and to help you make the most of this exciting opportunity.

So we invite you to open your minds and hearts to the diversity and wealth of talent that Latin America has to offer. Together, we can build strong and successful teams that drive the growth and prosperity of your businesses.

Thank you for joining us today. We are excited to begin this journey together. Welcome to the family!


We are solution

We understand the challenges you're facing in finding suitable candidates for your business within Canada. It's no easy task to find individuals who are committed to working full-time and willing to go the extra mile, even when compensation is generous.

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What to do?

The solution lies in hiring foreign workers who value the opportunities available in Canada, including the chance to work and be compensated on par with Canadian standards. This is particularly appealing to workers from Latin America, where salaries tend to be lower. Latin American workers are known for their strong work ethic, loyalty, and professionalism. In our SERVICES section, you can find a list of occupations that qualify under treaty agreements between Canada and certain countries in Latin America. 

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We specialize in recruiting qualified candidates on your behalf and facilitating their employment in Canada through Free Trade Agreements between Canada and select Latin American countries, such as Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Panama, and the USA. This process is streamlined and straightforward for Canadian employers. 


General Labor Workers

Under the French Mobility program, we can provide you with as many workers for general labor positions as you require.


Managers and Directors

Under the Trans-Pacific Agreement between Canada and certain countries, you have the opportunity to hire top high-level executives from different parts of the world. We will assist you in finding the perfect fit for your business.